Thursday, March 20, 2008

Send in the Douchebags

Don’t bother, they’re here.

Well, not here. They’re on YouTube. How do I know? Because Episode 6 of our sitcom “Life From The Inside” was just featured on the YouTube homepage, and nothing brings out the douchebags like a featured video.

Before I continue, I want to say that there are also really great people on YouTube. In fact, most of the people on YouTube are great. Unfortunately, they don’t comment as often.

I’ve commented on a few videos and such, and it can always feel a little self-serving. Like the only reason you’re commenting is to show everyone else how cool/clever/insightful/funny you are. And it’s because of that feeling that a lot of truly cool people don’t post comments. They don’t want to seem narcissistic or lame, or they see that a bunch of asshats are leaving stupid comments and they don’t want to be associated with them.

I can understand that.

Unfortunately, this means that the haters can easily take over any comments section.

See, all it takes is one douchebag to burst the douchebag dam and suddenly the entire valley is being flooded with…well…douchebags. Douchebags up to the eyeballs.

The only way to counter this kind of catastrophe is to put up a retaining wall. A levee of goodwill and constructive criticism. Raise the discourse so that the douchbags can’t spill over the top. It doesn’t take a lot.

Most douchebags are hopelessly insecure creatures. You just have to make them feel like they stick out in the crowd and they’ll shy away.

This brings me to my point. It would be very nice to have the support of real people who actually watch the show! If you have a second, go to YouTube, click on our episode and leave a comment. It doesn’t have to be glowing, just speak your mind. Only speak your mind in an intelligent fashion. Please.

Oh, and don’t forget to rate the video too! Douchebags love to give out low ratings. It doesn’t have anything to do with the quality of the video. Normal people rate videos based on a number of criteria (self-prescribed, sure). But, think of a douchebag rating system as an “erection meter.”

Plus, they seem to think that all entertainment should be geared toward them. But really, how much bikini Jell-O wrestling can people watch?

My limit is around 3 hours.

Thanks for all your support! And I just want to add that as a whole, the experience of being featured on YouTube has been a positive one! It’s hard to sit back and listen to the douchebags spout their bile, but we’ve gotten a bunch of new subscribers and they just keep coming!

It’s nice to know that there are people out there who like the show! And we love our subscribers. Really, great people.

I just wish they’d comment a little more.

Fun Fact: I forgot to update this blog yesterday to let you know that we were featured again on YouTube (after we were taken down, at around 5pm). Sorry. But you know now! And isn’t that the most important thing?

And Tanya’s birthday is Saturday! Happy Birthday, Tanya! Give her some love?

And Part 4 of Episode 6 is still coming Monday, March 24th!


Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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