Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My Dog Has Fleas

Merry Day After Christmas! I hope you got everything you wanted, world peace and all that. I’m sure that’s what you asked for. World peace.

I got a ukulele. Tanya gave it to me. I got some other great stuff too. But let’s just concentrate on the Ukulele.

It rocks way more than world stupid peace.

I set it next to a quarter since that’s what you’re supposed to do whenever you take a picture of something small.

Hopefully, once I figure out to play the thing, I’ll have a full album of Uke tunes that’ll top the charts for the next decade. I promise that I won’t play “Over the Rainbow.”

Fun Fact: Evidently people have been playing Ukulele for quite a while now. 20 years or more!

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